Mona Rutger - Reading Informational Text  R.I.2.1

Mona Rutger - Reading Informational Text  R.I.2.1

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


                                                          Mona Rutger

1 Mona Rutger rescues  wounded wild animals. She helps to heal them and then releases them back into the wild.

2 She became a licensed rehabilitator (someone who helps heal) more than twenty years ago. She did it because no one in her area could do it. At first she thought she would do it part time as a hobby in her spare time. She thought she would help 20 to 30 animals a year. She was wrong. As soon as people heard about her she was soon working full time and healing 2,500 animals a year. This caused her to quit her full time job as a secretary, and she and her husband have used their savings to keep the center going. She also gets donations from those who want to help.

3 Recently, she was named as a CNN hero. Her work helping everything from bald eagles to turtles return to the wild has caught national attention. She says that people sometimes think that she should just let nature take its course. But she says that 90% of the animals that are woundedare hurt by humans. So that is not nature in the first place.

4 An example of this is a bald eagle that was hit by a small jet. Her team went to help the eagle and bring it back to her center. Then they took it to a veterinarian. The eagle had three pins placed in its wing. It is now getting stronger and soon will be back in the wild.

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5 Not all animals can be fully healed. Some animals must stay at the center because they would not make it in the wild. When this happens Mona tries to find them educational jobs at zoos, reserves, or nature centers. She believes that it is our responsibility to help the animals that we affect.

6 Mona has worked for many years making a difference in the lives of animals. She is a great example of what one person can do to change the world for the better.

Why did Mona start the center?
Her husband wanted use their savings.
She hated her job as a secretary.
An eagle was hurt and needed help.
No one else was licensed to help animals.


Paragraph 2 from the story above tells mainly:
How the center was started.
How she lost her savings.
Why she quit her job.
How she became a licensed rehabilitator.


What happens to animals that cannot be released back to the wild?
They are released back to the wild to let nature take its course.
They are rescued after being hit by small jets.
They are used in zoos, reserves, and nature centers for education.
They are sold to raise money for the center.


In this passage, what does Mona want for the animals?
For them to be sold to help her raise money for the center.
For them to be allowed to have nature take its course.
For them to be released back into the wild.
For them to be used as educational trainers.

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